- Budapest, Hungary
- 15
zone - 28
locator - JN97NL
info - |

The HF equipment I have been using since
2004 is a boatanchor Kenwood TS-530SP. It is an
all-band transceiver (included WARC bands)
manufactured in the mid of '80s. It is not a high
technology but a state-of-art in its age. This is a
basic CW/SSB transceiver with 3 tubes, one functions
as a buffer amplifier and the other two are parallel
power amplifiers. The advantage of these kind of rigs
is the flexible antenna tuning capability. It is
important for me because I have a limited antenna
space so I am able to make use of the all band
capability of the old lady.
output power can be regulated up to 100W and that is
more than enough to operate on HF bands. Unfortunately
there is no IF CW filter hence I use a homebrew AF
filter taking the signal from the variable volume control
resistor. The bandwidth of the filter can be regulated
from 10 Hz to 3 kHz and it has its own audio amplifier
to provide AF output. I have microphone too, but that is
very rare when used. For the sake of tests I also made
some contacts in digi modes using direct connections to
the computer. The output power should then be cut back
to 25W otherwise the digi mode kills the tubes. All the
way it does when the output is 25W or more continuously.
CW 100W is the safe mode with correctly tuned antenna.
By the way: The transceiver has a safe antenna tuning
procedure. While tuning, the anode current can be set. I
use 50 mA for tuning and refine with full power but only
in seconds. The RIT/XIT control allows only +/- 2 kHz
deviation seems to be a disadvantage but not for me. To
operate in huge pile-ups is not my business.
The antenna
have three antennas above the flat roof of a 5-storied
building. The most used is the HF antenna that is a 21
mtrs long end-fed wire about 2 mtrs high above roof.
This antenna is very flexible with my rig for it can be
used for all 9 HF bands, but with a compromise
especially on 80 and 160 m. It is matched with a 1 to 3
balun transformer (1:9 impedance transformation) which
not really matches the end impedance of the wire.
Despite it works and outstanding performance has been
showed on 12, 15, 17, 20, 30 and 40 mtrs according to
operation experience. On 10 mtr it works fair. The
advantage of the mismatching is that the WARC bands are
better matched due to the deviation of the resonant
length of the wire. I have had altogether 229 DXCC
countries worked (mainly in CW) for the time being since
have also a collinear for 2 mtr and a fixed 11 element
Yagi for 70 cm. The latter is fixed and was set to the direction of
HG2RUB repeater (QTH Esztergom) far behind hills and
mountains. I also have a fixed HB9CV for 2 mtr in a
window. The VHF and UHF antennas were donated and
mounted by Viktor, HA2QE the system operator of HG2RVD
and HG2RUB repeaters linked to Echolink.
The VHF 2 m equipment is a boatanchor Clegg FM-28 transceiver manufactured
by Clegg Communications round 1977. This trx has an outstanding sensitivity
and provides the best ISS reception of all rigs I have had.
For 2 M and 70 cm FM there is a brand new UV-5R handheld with all accessories
and computer programming capability to make use of all functions that this product
offers. It seems that UV-5R tolerate outside antennas though my operation experience
is very limited yet.
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