H A 2 M N

Q-codes and their usage in ham radio traffic  -  Q-kódok és használatuk a rádióamator forgalomban


QAA...QNZ  sorozat a légi szolgálatok számára van fenntartva. (For air services only)
QOA...QQZ  sorozat a tengeri szolgálatok számára van fenntartva. (For marine services only)
QRA...QUZ  sorozat minden szolgálat számára használható - kivéve tengeri szolgálat. (For all services except marine)

F I G Y E L EM !

Jelen anyag célja az, hogy bemutassa a Q-kódok használatát a rádióamatőr napi gyakorlat során. A kódok hivatalos jelentése a rádióamatőr sávokban kisebb, nagyobb mértékben módosult, bővült, ezért a táblázatban foglaltak nem tekinthetők vizsgára felkészítő anyagnak. A gyűjtemény célja az, hogy eligazítsa a kezdő amatőröket a kódok gyakorlati használatában, amely egyben a rádióamatőr szakmai szleng részét is képezi.

Az ICAO (légi) Q kódokból

Q -code




What should I set on the subscale of my altimeter so that the instrument would indicate its elevation if my aircraft were on the ground at your station?

Légnyomás az adott földrajzi ponton (adott magasságban)  (milibár - mb).

Használat: QNH ?

Remark: rarely used in ham radio traffic.

Megjegyzés: rádióamatõr forgalomban ritkán használt kód.

If you set the subscale of your altimeter to read ... millibars, the instrument would indicate its elevation if your aircraft were on the ground at my station at ... hours.
Note.- When the setting is given in hundredths of inch the abbreviation INS is used to identify the units.

Légnyomás az adott földrajzi ponton (adott magasságban) (milibár - mb).

Használat: QNH 1020 (légnyomás 1020 mb)

ITU Radio Regulations 1990, Appendix 13 :
Egyéb rövidítések és jelzések rádió távközlési használatra kivéve a tengeri mozgó szolgálatot.





What is the name of your vessel (or station)?

Mi az állomás (hajó) neve?

The name of my vessel (or station) is ...

Az állomás (hajó) neve...

A DX CLUSTER (SPIDER) rendszerekben a QTH a helység (város, ...), a QRA pedig a földrajzi koordináta megadására szolgál. Saját adataink megadása pl. így történik:

SET/QTH Budapest
(tks HA5DI)


How far approximately are you from my station?

Mennyi az állomásomtól mért távolság(a)?

The approximate distance between our stations is ... nautical miles (or km).

Az állomásától mért távolság … (nm - tengeri mérföld, km).

A két állomás közötti távolság ...


By what private enterprise (or state administration) are the accounts for charges for your station settled?

The accounts for charges of my station are settled by the private enterprise ... (or state administration).


Where are you bound for and where are you from?

I am bound for ... from ...


What is your estimated time of arrival at ... (or over ...) (place)?

Várható érkezési ideje (cél, UT-kor, dátum)?

My estimated time of arrival at ... (or over ...) (place) is ... hours.

Várható érkezési idõm (cél, UT-kor, dátum).

Megjegyzés: ritkán használt, megegyezik az ETA ...? ETA …

rövidítésekkel (ETA -Estimated time of arrival).


Are you returning to ... (place)?

I am returning to ... (place).
Return to ... (place).


Will you tell me my exact frequency (or that of ...)?

Mennyi a pontos frekvencia (frekvenciája)?

Your exact frequency (or that of ...) is ... kHz (or MHz).

A pontos frekvenciám … (kHz, MHz).


Does my frequency vary?

Változik a frekvenciám (mûszaki jellemzõ)?

Your frequency varies.

A frekvenciája változik (nem stabil).


How is the tone of my transmission?

Milyen az adásom hangszíne?

The tone of your transmission is ...1. good, 2. variable, 3. bad.

Az adásnak hangszíne … 1. jó, 2. változó, 3. rossz.

Megjegyzés: Az RST vételjellemzõbõl a T(one) 1..9.


How many radiotelephone calls have you to book?

Mennyi összeköttetést kell elkönyvelnie (jegyzett elõre)?

I have ... radiotelephone calls to book.

... összeköttetést kell könyvelnem (jegyeztem elõ).

Használata: QRJ 43521 (naplósorszám).


What is the intelligibility of my signals (or those of ...)?

Milyen a jeleim érthetõsége?

The intelligibility of your signals (or those of ...) is … 1. bad
2. poor 3. fair 4. good 5. excellent.

Jelei érthetõsége ... 1 rossz 2 gyenge 3 érthetõ 4 jó 5 kiváló.

Megjegyzés: Az RST vételjellemzõbõl az R(eadibility) 1..5.


Are you busy?


Megyjegyzés: továbbá üres frekvencia keresése QRL?

I am busy (or I am busy with ...). Please do not interfere.

Foglalt vagyok, kérem ne zavarjon.

Megjegyzés: továbbá ha a frekvencia foglalt, a kérdésre még válaszok: QRL (igen), yes (igen), r (igen), as (várjon), no (nem), továbbá zavaró állomás tájékoztatása: QRL (sri), 
pse QSY.


Are you being interfered with? [AP13]
Is my transmission being interfered with?

Zavarják az adásom (más állomások)?

I am being interfered with or Your transmission is being interfered with ... (1. nil 2. slightly 3. moderately 4. severely 5. extremely).

Az adását zavarják (más állomások) (1. nem 2. enyhén 3. mérsékelten 4 erõsen 5 teljesen).

Megjegyzés: használata RST QRM (hvy QRM - erõs zavarás)


Are you troubled by static?

Statikus, ipari, hazatartási, más eredetû helyi zavar van?

I am troubled by static (1. nil 2. slightly 3. moderately 4. severely
5. extremely).

Statikus, ipari, hazatartási, más eredetû helyi zavar van (skálázása QRM-nél megadottak szerint).

Megjegyzés: használata RST QRN (hvy QRN - erõs zavarás),

QRN S7 vagy QRN over S7 a QRN szintje S7 vagy S7 felett van


Shall I increase transmitter power?

Növeljem az adóteljesítményt?

Increase transmitter power.

Növelje az adóteljesítményt.

Megjegyzés: QRO (txadó) nagy teljesítményû adóállomás .


Shall I decrease transmitter power?

Csökkentsem a adóteljesítményt?

Decrease transmitter power.

Csökkentse az adóteljesítményt.

Megjegyzés: QRP (tx - adó) 5 W teljesítményû vagy az alatti

QRPP (tx -adó) 1 W teljesítményû vagy az alatti

Hívójel/QRP vagy hívójel/QRPP a fenti teljesítmény kategóriákat jelzõ adóállomás.


Shall I send faster?

Gyorsabban adjak?

Send faster (... words per minute).

Adjon gyorsabban ( … WPM-mel).

Megjegyzés: használata pse QRQ


Are you ready for automatic operation?

Készen áll automatikus (félrobot, robot) üzemre?

I am ready for automatic operation. Send at ... words per minute.

Készen állok automatikus (félrobot, robot) üzemre.

Megjegyzés: hívójel/QRR, hívójel/R robot állomás (automatikusan ad, vesz).


Shall I send more slowly?

Adjak lassabban?

Send more slowly (... words per minute).

Adjon lassabban ( … WPM-mel).

Megjegyzés: használata (pse QRS - adjon lassabban).


Shall I stop sending?

Álljak le az adással?

Stop sending.

Leállok az adással.

Használata: (QRT – az állomásom kikapcsol).


Have you anything for me?

Van közleménye?

I have nothing for you.

Nincs további közleményem.


Are you ready?


I am ready.

Vételkész vagyok.

Használata még: XY hívójelû állomás QRV - üzemkész/volt/ lesz (a) idõponttól (b) idõpontig .


Shall I inform ... that you are calling him on ... kHz (or MHz)?

Please inform ... that I am calling him on ... kHz (or MHz).


When will you call me again?

Várjak (mikor hív újra)?

I will call you again at ... hours (on ... kHz (or MHz)).

Várjon (..-kor, … kHz-en vagy MHz-en hívom).

Használata még: QRX … várjon a megadott percnyi idõtartamig (QRX 1) – várjon 1 percig, azonos: as, as ... as1.


What is my turn?
(Relates to communication).

Your turn is Number ... (or according to any other indication).
(Relates to communication).


Who is calling me?

Ki hív engem?

You are being called by ... (on ... kHz (or MHz)).

Használata: válasz a hívó állomás hívójele (QRZ? vagy QRZ? de xyz+k – válasz: xyz de zyx(+pse) k.

Éppen önt hívja xyz ... kHz-en (MHz-en).


What is the strength of my signals (or those of ...)?

Jel erõsség (térerõ)?

The strength of your signals (or those of ...) is
1. scarcely perceptible
2. weak
3. fairly good
4. good
5. very good.

Megjegyzés: Az RST vételjellemzõbõl az S(ternght) 1..9.


Are my signals fading?

Hullámzik a vételi térerõm (fading)?

Your signals are fading.

Térereje hullámzik (fadinges).

Használata: RST QSB (hvy QSB) – hullámzó/erõsen hullámzó vétel, sri QSB – sajnos hullámzó a vétel. Továbbá: fast QSB - gyorsan hullámzó vétel, slow QSB - lassan változó vétel.


Are you a cargo vessel? [AP13]
Are you a low traffic ship? [AP14]

I am a cargo vessel. [AP13]
I am a low traffic ship. [AP14]


Is my keying defective? [AP13]
Are my signals mutilated? [AP14]

Your keying is defective. [AP13]
Your signals are mutilated. [AP14]


What is the estimated drift of the survival craft?

The estimated drift of the survival craft is ... (figures and units).


Have you effected rescue?

I have effected rescue and am proceeding to ... base (with ... persons injured requiring ambulance).


Shall I send ... telegrams at a time?

Send ... telegrams at a time.


Are you able to home on your direction-finding equipment?

I am able to home on my D/F equipment (on station ...).



I have been unable to break in on your transmission.
Will you inform ... (call sign) that I have been unable to break in on his transmission (on ... kHz (or MHz)).


What is the charge to be collected to ... including your internal charge?

The charge to be collected to ... including my internal charge is ... francs.


Can you hear me between your signals and if so can I break in on your transmission?

Állomása alkalmas közbelépéses (bk) üzemre?

I can hear you between my signals; break in on my transmission.

Állomásom alkalmas közbelépéses (bk) üzemre.

Használata: berendezés jellemzõ – full-QSK – azonnali átkapcsolási idõ (adásról/vétel között), semi-QSK – némi átkapcsolási idejû berendezés (öregebb adóvevõk).


Can you acknowledge receipt?

Nyugtázza a vételt?

I am acknowledging receipt.

Nyugtázom a vételt.

Amerikai forgalmi gyakorlat: QSL - nyugtázom (versenyeken is). Európai megfelelõje: cfm (confirm) - nyugtázom. A QSL használata javasolt. mert a cfm-et nehezebben értik.

Használata még: tks/pse QSL - köszönöm/kérek QSL lapot, QSLL – küldjünk egymásnak QSL lapot, QSLN – nem küldök/ne küldjön QSL lapot, QSL via xyz – lapot xyz-n keresztül kell küldeni, QSL via eqsl.cc – elektronikus QSL lapot kérek, QSL manager xyz – xyz a QSL lapok kezelõje, küldési cím xyz.


Shall I repeat the last telegram which I sent you (or some previous telegram)?

Repeat the last telegram which you sent me (or telegram(s) number(s) ...).


Did you hear me (or ... (call sign)) on ... kHz (or MHz)?

I did hear you (or ... (call sign)) on ... kHz (or MHz).


Can you communicate with ... direct (or by relay)?

Képes (xyz-vel) összeköttetést létesíteni (közvetlenül vagy relézve)?

I can communicate with ... direct (or by relay through ...).

(Xyz-vel) összeköttetést tudok létesíteni (közvetlenül vagy relézve).

Használata: QSO - rádióamatõr összeköttetés általában, QSO with xyz – összeköttetés xyz-vel, QSO nr … – összeköttetés sorszáma …, pse QSO – kérem létesítsen velem összeköttetést, QSO b4– volt összeköttetésünk elõzõleg (általában nem akar új összeköttetést a hívott állomás - versenyeken, külöleges hívójelek esetén gyakori).


Will you relay to ... free of charge?

Van közvetítendõ üzenete?

I will relay to ... free of charge.

Közvetítendõ üzenetem van.

Használata még: pse QSP (to xyz ...) – kérem közvetítse az üzenetet (xyz-nek), QSP fm xyz ... – üzenetet közvetítek xyz-tõl.


Have you a doctor on board (or is ... (name of person) on board)?

I have a doctor on board (or ... (name of person) is on board).


Shall I repeat the call on the calling frequency?

Repeat your call on the calling frequency; did not hear you (or have interference).


What working frequency will you use?

I will use the working frequency ... kHz (or MHz) (in the HF bands normally only the last three figures of the frequency need be given).


Shall I send or reply on this frequency (or on ... kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class ...)?

Send or reply on this frequency (or on ... kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class ...).


Shall I send a series of Vs on this frequency (or on ... kHz (or MHz))?

Küldjek v sorozatot (hangolás céljából)?

Send a series of Vs on this frequency (or on ... kHz (or MHz)).

Küldjön v sorozatot.

Megjegyzés: A „v” betû a hangolás jele. 

Használata: V V V de XYZ


Will you send on this frequency (or on ... kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class ...)?

I am going to send on this frequency (or on ... kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class ...).


Will you listen to ... (call sign(s)) on ... kHz (or MHz)? [AP13]
Will you listen to ... (call sign(s)) on ... kHz (or MHz), or in the bands ... / channels ... ?

A vételi frekvencia eltér az adási frekvenciától?

I am listening to ... (call sign(s)) on ... kHz (or MHz). [AP13]
I am listening to ... (call sign(s)) on ... kHz (or MHz), or in the bands ... / channels ... [AP14]

A vételi frekvencia eltér az adási frekvenciától.

Használata: QSX up2 – 2 kHz-el feljebb adjon.  Megfelõlje: up2/down2 - 2kHz-el feljebb/lejjebb adjon).  de XYZ up2 - XYZ 2 kHz-el feljebb várja a hívásokat. QSX ... kHz, MHz a vételi frekvenciám  ... (kHz, MHz). QSX 14027 - 14027kHz a vételi frekvenciám! 


Shall I change to transmission frequency?

Térjek át másik frekvenciára?

Change to transmission on another frequency (or on ... kHz (or MHz)).

Áttérek másik frekvenciára ... (kHz-re, MHz-re).

Használata: pse QSY 14058 kHz -térjen át a 14.058 kHz-es frekvenciára, QSY up ... (down ...) - az üzemi frekvenciától való elhangolás fel ...  le ... a megadott kHz-el pl. QSY up1, azonos még up1, (pse) QSY - menjen el a frekvenciáról, mert azt más használja éppen.

Fontos: az adás és a vétel a QSY által megadott frekvencián történik!


Shall I send each word or group more than once?

Send each word or group twice (or ... times).


Shall I cancel telegram (or message) number ... ?

Cancel telegram (or message) number ...


Do you agree with my counting of words?

I do not agree with your counting of words; I will repeat the first letter or digit of each word or group.


How many telegrams have you to send?

Van közleménye?

I have ... telegrams for you (or for ...).

Közleményem van.

Használata még: Itt xyz QTC-vel – közleménnyel jelentkezik xyz, itt yxz QTC-vel zyx részére, hr xyz wid QTC, hr xyz wid QTC to zyx.


What has the rescue vessel or rescue aircraft recovered?

... (identification) has recovered ...
1. ... (number) survivors
2. wreckage
3. ... (number) bodies.


What is my TRUE bearing from you?
What is my TRUE bearing from ... (call sign)?
What is the TRUE bearing of ... (call sign) from ... (call sign)?

Your TRUE bearing from me is ... degrees at ... hours.
Your TRUE bearing from ... (call sign) was ... degrees at ... hours.
The TRUE bearing of ... (call sign) from ... (call sign) was ... degrees at ... hours.


Will you give me the position of my station according to the bearings taken by the direction-finding stations which you control?

Földrajzi pozíció?

The position of your station according to the bearings taken by the D/F stations which I control was ... latitude, ... longitude (or other indication of position), class ... at ... hours.

Földrajzi pozíció:  … szélesség … hosszúság ... UTC.


Will you send two dashes of ten seconds each followed by your call sign (repeated ... times) (on ... kHz (or MHz))?
Will you request ... to send two dashes of ten seconds followed by his call sign (repeated ... times) on ... kHz (or MHz)?

I am going to send two dashes of ten seconds each followed by my call sign (repeated ... times) (on ... kHz (or MHz)).
I have requested ... to send two dashes of ten seconds followed by his call sign (repeated ... times) on ... kHz (or MHz).


What is your position in latitude and longitude (or according to any other indication)?

Mi az ön állomáshelye?

My position is ... latitude, ... longitude (or according to any other indication).

Állomáshelyem ... helység (QTH is Dorog)

A DX CLUSTER (SPIDER) rendszerekben a QTH a helység (város, ...), a QRA pedig a földrajzi koordináta megadására szolgál. Saját adataink megadása pl. így történik:

SET/QTH Budapest
(tks HA5DI!)


What is your TRUE track? [AP13]

My TRUE track is ... degrees. [AP13]


What is your TRUE course? [AP14]

My TRUE course is ... degrees. [AP14]


What is your speed?
(Requests the speed of a ship or aircraft through the water or air respectively).

My speed is ... knots (or ... kilometres per hour or ... statute miles per hour).
(Indicates the speed of a ship or aircraft through the water or air respectively).


What is the speed of your aircraft in relation to the surface of the Earth?

The speed of my aircraft in relation to the surface of the Earth is ... knots (or ... kilometres per hour or ... statute miles per hour).


What is your TRUE heading?

My TRUE heading is ... degrees.


What is your MAGNETIC heading?

My MAGNETIC heading is ... degrees.


At what time did you depart from ... (place)?

I departed from ... (place) at ... hours.


Have you left dock (or port)?
Are you airborne?

I have left dock (or port).
I am airborne.


Are you going to enter dock (or port)?
Are you going to alight (or land)?

I am going to enter dock (or port).
I am going to alight (or land).


Can you communicate with my statio by means of the Internanational Code of Signals (INTERCO)?

I am going to communicate with your station by means of the International Code of Signals (INTERCO).


What is the correct time?

Mennyi a pontos idõ?

The correct time is ... hours.

A pontos idõ ... (amennyiben az adott idõzónától eltér, meg kell jelölni az idõzónát: QTR 1204 UT)

QTR 1204 local - A helyi idõ 12:04


Will you send your call sign for tuning purposes or so that your frequency can be measured now (or at ... hours) on ... kHz (or MHz)? [AP13]
Will you send your call sign (and/or name) for ... seconds? [AP14]

I will send my call sign for tuning purposes or so that my frequency may be measured now (or at ... hours) on ... kHz (or MHz). [AP13]
I will send my call sign (and/or name) for ... seconds. [AP14]



The identification signal which follows is superimposed on another transmission.


What are the hours during which your station is open?

My station is open from ... to ... hours.


Shall I stand guard for you on the frequency of ... kHz (or MHz) (from ... to ... hours)?

Stand guard for me on the frequency of ... kHz (or MHz) (from ... to ... hours).


What is the condition of survivors?

Survivors are in ... condition and urgently need ...


Will you keep your station open for further communication with me until further notice (or until ... hours)?

I will keep my station open for further communication with you until further notice (or until ... hours).


Are you proceeding to the position of incident and if so when do you expect to arrive?

I am proceeding to the position of incident and expect to arrive at ... hours (on ... (date)).


Are you continuing the search?

I am continuing the search for ... (aircraft, ship, survival craft, survivors or wreckage).


Have you news of ... (call sign)?

Here is news of ... (call sign).


Can you give me in the following order information concerning: the direction in degrees TRUE and speed of the surface wind; visibility; present weather; and amount, type and height of base of cloud above surface elevation at ... (place of observation)?

Here is the information requested: ... (The units used for speed and distances should be indicated.)


What is the number (or other indication) of the last message you received from me (or from ... (call sign))?

The number (or other indication) of the last message I received from you (or from ... (call sign)) is ...


Have you received the urgency signal sent by ... (call sign of mobile station)?

I have received the urgency signal sent by ... (call sign of mobile station) at ... hours.


Can you use telephony in ... (language), with interpreter if necessary; if so, on what frequencies? [AP13]
Can you speak in ... (language), - with interpreter if necessary; if so, on what frequencies? [AP14]

I can use telephony in ... (language) on ... kHz (or MHz). [AP13]
I can speak in ... (language) on ... kHz (or MHz). [AP14]


Have you received the distress signal sent by ... (call sign of mobile station)?

I have received the distress signal sent by ... (call sign of mobile station) at ... hours.


Will you be forced to alight (or land)? [AP13]

I am forced to alight (or land) immediately.
I shall be forced to alight (or land) at ... (position or place) at ... hours. [AP13]


Will you give me the present barometric pressure at sea level?

The present barometric pressure at sea level is ... (units).


Are your navigation lights working? [AP13]

My navigation lights are working. [AP13]


Will you indicate the TRUE track to reach you (or ...)? [AP13]

The TRUE track to reach me (or ...) is ... degrees at ... hours. [AP13]


Can you tell me the condition of the sea observed at ... (place or coordinates)? [AP13]

The sea at ... (place or coordinates) is ... [AP13]


Can you tell me the swell observed at ... (place or coordinates)? [AP13]

The swell at ... (place or coordinates) is ... [AP13]


May I resume normal working?

Normal working may be resumed.


1. When directed to all stations: [AP13,14]
Will vessels in my immediate vicinity ...
(in the vicinity of ... latitude, ... longitude)
(in the vicinity of ...) please indicate their position, TRUE course and speed?
2. When directed to a single station: [AP14]
please indicate their position, TRUE course and speed?

My position, TRUE course and speed are ...


Shall I search for ...
1. aircraft
2. ship
3. survival craft
in the vicinity of ... latitude, ... longitude (or according to any other indication)?

Please search for ...
1. aircraft
2. ship
3. survival craft
in the vicinity of ... latitude, ... longitude (or according to any other indication).


Will you indicate your position by
1. searchlight
2. black smoke trail
3. pyrotechnic lights?

My position is indicated by
1. searchlight
2. black smoke trail
3. pyrotechnic lights.


Shall I train my searchlight nearly vertical on a cloud, occulting if possible and, if your aircraft is seen, deflect the beam up wind and on the water (or land) to facilitate your landing?

Please train your searchlight on a cloud, occulting if possible and, if my aircraft is seen or heard, deflect the beam up wind and on the water (or land) to facilitate my landing. [AP13]


Have survivors ...
1. received survival equipment
2. been picked up by rescue vessel
3. been reached by ground rescue

Survivors ...
1. are in possession of survival equipment dropped by ...
2. have been picked up by rescue vessel
3. have been reached by ground rescue party.


Have you sighted survivors or wreckage? If so, in what position?

Have sighted ...
1. survivors in water
2. survivors on rafts
3. wreckage
in position ... latitude, ... longitude (or according to any other indication).


Is position of incident marked?

Position of incident is marked by ...
1. flame or smoke float
2. sea marker
3. sea marker dye
4. ... (specify other marking).


Shall I home ship or aircraft to my position?

Home ship or aircraft ... (call sign) ...
1. to your position by transmitting your call sign and long dashes on ... kHz (or MHz)
2. by transmitting on ... kHz (or MHz) TRUE track to reach you.


Are you in the search area designated as ... (designator or latitude and longitude)?

I am in the ... (designation) search area.


Do you have any navigational warnings or gale warnings in force? [AP14]

I have the following navigational warning(s) or gale warning(s) in force: ... [AP14]


Is position of survival craft marked?

Position of survival craft was marked at ... hours by ...
1. flame or smoke float
2. sea marker
3. sea marker dye
4. ... (specify other marking).


May I resume restricted working? [AP14]

Distress phase still in force; restricted working may be resumed. [AP14]

Other Q-code Other not official ?  -  Nem hivatalos ?  Answer or explanation  -   Válasz vagy értelmezés
QLF Are you transmitting with left foot?

Bal lábbal ad? (tks HG9IEG!)

I am transmitting  with left foot.

Bal lábbal adok.
QLF-Award -
Left Foot CW-Award - Bal lábbal történõ CW adást igazoló diploma  (tks HA5AZZ!).
QMN   The Michigan Net, on 3663KHz daily at 6:30pm and 10pm Central.

Michigan Net  -
Michigan állam közszolgálati és vészhelyzeti kommunikációs rádióamatõr hálózata. Alapítva: 1935.
QST   Amerikai rádióamatõr magazin (ARRL). QST 03/98 a magazin 1998. márciusi száma.
QHB Are you QRP Homebrewer?

Saját építésû QRP berendezéseket készít?

I am (not) QRP Homebrewer.

Saját építésû QRP berendezéseket (nem) készitek.

QRP Homebrewer.

Saját építésû QRP berendezéseket készítõ rádióamatõr.
QEX ARRL Communication  Quaterly ARRL Negyedéves Kommunikációs Magazin - elektronikus kiadvány

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